
Mirror concert accident investigation report released, what’s the reason behind ?

Views: 603     Author: Shinestage     Publish Time: 2022-11-17      Origin: Site


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On July 28, the popular Hong Kong boy band -Mirror concert,accident happened, two dancers were hit by a giant screen that fell accidentally while hanging in mid-air, one of them Lee Kai-yin (Mo) still need to stay in hospital for treatment. The incident has caused widespread concern in the community.

After more than three months, the results of the survey came out.


In the morning of November 11, the police have made arrests (arrested four men and one woman, aged 40 to 63, were senior staff of the concert's main contractor, Engineering Impact Limited, and sub-contractor, HIP HING LOONG STAGE ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, respectively, in Engineering Impact Limited as business director, project manager, technical co-ordinator, and in HIP HING LOONG as a senior technician), involving “fraud" and "allowing objects to fall from a height", the police do not rule out further arrests.

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On the afternoon of the 11th, Hong Kong Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Yeung Yun-hung,as Secretary for Labour and Welfare,has held a press conference on the investigation of the serious accident for the Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall), pointing out that the concert hirer had violated some of the terms of hire.


[The cause of the accident]

The HKSAR government website released a press release in the evening of November 11 announcing the investigation report of the Mirror concert accident at the Hong Kong Coliseum. The investigation report points out that the working group led by the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department, which is responsible for investigating the causes of the Mirror concert accident that occurred at the Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall) on July 28 this year, has completed the relevant investigation work. The working group believes that the causes of the accident include.

(A) steel cable breakage caused by metal fatigue

Hanging LED screen steel cable breakage, the reason is parts of the wire metal fatigue, causes include (1) steel cable condition is not ideal, its breaking strength less than the normal minimum breaking strength of steel cable; (2) the actual weight of the LED screen heavier than the reported; (3) winch system device problems make the rope protector is difficult to turn, resulting in the steel cable surface is worn and must bear additional load, up to the deformation of the steel cable; (4) LED screen suspension system assembly is not ideal.


(B) hanging ring screw device design problems

Hanger screws installed in the LED screen frame, and not installed on the sleeve screw buckle to facilitate horizontal adjustment. When a steel cable breaks, another steel cable breaks later for tied to the ring screw does not win the load and break, cannot stop the failing of the LED screen.


(C) Suspension system safety factor is not satisfactory

After weighing, the actual weight of the falling LED screen was much heavier than the reported weight, making the level of safety factor of the suspension system far below the international standard.


According to the current rental conditions of the Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall), the hirer has the responsibility to ensure that he/her, employees, co-organizers, contractors, subcontractors, etc. comply with all the rental terms and relevant legislation of the Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall). The Hirer shall ensure that all equipment brought into the Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall) is safe and secure. The Hirer shall also appoint an Authorized Person, normally a registered professional, to certify that the installation meets the standards recognized by the industry and is safe and secure. The Government considers that the Hirer and/or its contractors and sub-contractors are in breach of the Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall)'s Terms and Conditions of Hire for this concert. For example, the Hirer shall submit accurate details of the proposed arrangements for the use of the venue, including the weight of any equipment suspended from the roof racks of the venue.

[Safety advice]

For the recording industry in Hong Kong or Asia, Hong Kong's Hong Kong Coliseum (Red Hall) means a lot - to be able to hold a concert in the "Red Hall" means to be really "red".

Alan Tam, Leslie Cheung, Teresa Teng, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Xu Xiaofeng and other superstars have performed in the Red Hall for a number of shows. Mr. Yeung Yun-hung said that the Red Hall has brought many wonderful performances to everyone.But fot the serious accident in July, we are deeply shocked, but all believe that this is only an isolated incident, does not represent the overall performance of the industry. The accident should be a wake-up call to our performance builders: Never be in a hurry to make profits and ignore safety!


Firstly, strengthen & comply with the performance rental mechanism

As a result of this incident, the working group made a series of recommendations to strengthen the hiring mechanism to ensure that the hirers will fulfill their responsibilities to comply with the terms and conditions of the hiring, so as to enhance the safety measures of the stage performance to protect the stage performers and the audience.

These measures include specifying the scope of work and role of the responsible personnel in the verification mechanism, the hirer shall submit documents to prove the accurate weight of the additional structures and equipment and engage professionals to verify the accuracy, and conduct verification load tests for all mechanical devices that need to be moved or lifted. Hirers are also required to submit proof of the quality of the steel cables and should rehearse as early as possible before the first performance. The LCSD will consider introducing independent third party auditors with relevant expertise to audit the works and installations installed by the hirer as necessary, and will also introduce a proper mechanism to deal with any breach of the LCSD venue's "Conditions of Hire".


Secondly, attach great importance to the quality of the safety structure

This accident of the big screen fell down is due to "metal fatigue, led to the steel cable breakage, product safety quality is worrying.In a performance, the stage, truss, stage machinery and other products quality can be said to protect the smooth performance, the cornerstone of personal safety, enterprises and performers must be strict product off.

The quality of products on the market now are variable, for conscientious enterprises, products involving user safety is to strictly comply with the production process, quality testing.


Shinestage implement modern IS09001 quality management system, from raw materials, process, welding, assembly, packaging, transportation and other aspects to ensure that each section of the product quality standards, and constantly improve the quality control system, each process between the sections of mutual control, "quality first, reputation first, customer first, continuous innovation" as the quality policy, and "do not create bad products, do not accept bad products, do not deliver bad products" as the quality control concept, to create high-quality products for customers.


Thirdly, a safe and reasonable program design

A senior who has more than 30 years of experience of engaged in building stage engineering career person said, stage safety issues involved in many aspects, such as stage equipment, construction materials are qualified, stage design, technology is reasonable, etc..

For the performance industry, whether it is a star performance or ordinary commercial promotion, a safe and reasonable program must be designed according to the performance site. Whether indoor or outdoor performance, stage, truss, lighting, sound, display, stage machinery and other stage equipment need to consider its self-weight, load-bearing, span and safety coefficient, the overall collocation effect, build order also need to be designed in advance to avoid accidents.


Shinestage has a strong engineering design and R&D team, which pays great attention to product quality standards and details, including the structural design and load safety factor of products, and is able to provide professional finite element analysis. Previously, it has successfully participated in large domestic and international project projects such as Qingdao International Beer Festival, London MIK Festival, Mars Key concert, Yinchuan Tuburg Music Festival, etc., and strives to efficiently design the overall solutions for customers of various projects.


[Safety First]

After more than three months of efforts by many parties, the people involved have been arrested and the investigation results have been made public, hope an explanation will be given to the injured and the public. We wish the injured a speedy recovery, return to their dreams, and hope that others will be able to remove the shadow and live a normal life.

Shinestage as the performance industry performing artists, stage engineering builders, more should learn from the experience and lessons learned from the accident, always product quality, safety first in mind, the performance stage is responsible for the people's personal safety!


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